Since the time our first graders made paper monarch butterflies and sent them off to Mexico in a "symbolic migration," we have been waiting to find out where and when they would be delivered to Mexican school children. Back in October, I had blogged about first graders' participation in the Journey North project. This program builds friendships between the USA, Canada, and Mexico via our shared conservation of monarchs, which annually migrate from north to south each year in order to winter in Mexico. Each spring, the monarchs return from Mexico to Vermont and other northern locations. Hartland first graders have been learning about butterflies and Mexico in conjunction with Journey North program.
Our latest news is that our students' paper monarchs were recently delivered to children who live near the Mexican monarch sanctuary! Now, you can go online and see photos of those students holding our butterflies (mariposas)!
Mrs. Craft's class mariposa was delivered to a 6th grade class at Colegio Vasco de Quiroga School. In the photo, our butterfly is front and center, right above a pink backpack and held by a girl in a purple jacket. Click on this link to see the photo: Colegio Vasco de Quiroga School
Mrs. Kamb's class butterfly was sent to 18 de Marzo School, also near the El Rosario Monarch Sanctuary. It is a large school, and our butterfly arrived there along with lots of other North American butterflies. Unfortunately, it's hard to see exactly where our butterfly is hiding out in the photo...but you can still see the name Hartland Elementary School listed on the page. Click here to see the photo:
18 de Marzo School
How exciting!
Our own students should receive paper mariposas later in the spring when the real monarchs make their journeys northward. We will keep posting information about this great project as it becomes available.