Thursday, June 14, 2012

 Ensalada de fruta
Fruit Salad!

Kindergarten, first, and second grade students learned the names of fruits and polite expressions...
por favor = please

gracias = thank you

...and we put it all together by making and eating fruit salad.  What a tasty way to learn!

la pera = the pear

la manzana = the apple

la naranja = the orange

el plátano = the banana

Me gusta ___  =  I like ___   

la piña = the pineapple

la fresa = the strawberry

la uva = the grape

¡Buen provecho!

Mariposas Return!

In May, our first graders received paper butterflies from Mexico!  This concludes our Journey North Monarch Migration project, which we began in the fall (see previous blog entries).  Like our own first graders, students from all over Canada and the USA made paper butterflies in the fall and sent them to the children who live near the monarch sanctuary in Mexico.  The Mexican children took care of them during the winter--just like they took care of our REAL monarchs that seasonally migrate to their winter home.  When the live monarchs began to return north, the Mexican students mailed the paper butterflies to participating Canadian and USA schools.

Mrs. Craft's and Mrs. Kamb's students each received small paper mariposas.  Each class also received a butterfly made by a Mexican student with a special message of friendship written in Spanish.  It was fun to have the monarch migration cycle come full circle in a very tangible way and celebrate the end of this exciting project in a way that was personally meaningful.