Our ingredients will be:
• tomate = tomato
• cebolla = onion
• pimiento = pepper
• cilantro = cilantro
• ajo = garlic
• jugo de lima = lime juice
• sal = salt
• pimienta = black pepper
Students will make and try our salsa cruda with totopos (chips).
Some facts about salsa (the food): "salsa" means "sauce" in Spanish. Mexican salsas are traditionally made with the mortar and pestle-like molcajete and tejolote (see photo above).
Some facts about salsa (the music): "salsa" music originated in Cuba, although its Cuban-style is now often mixed with pop, jazz, rock, and R&B. Salsa music is widely popular in Latin America and abroad.
Some facts about salsa (the dance): "salsa" dancing is popular world-wide. It originally came from Cuba, where it evolved out of a mixture of Spanish and African cultures. Salsa dancing is lively and fun! Give it a try... with the front-back version http://addicted2salsa.com/videos/lesson/the-salsa-dancing-basic-step or the side-side version http://www.salsa-merengue.co.uk/VidTutor/salsaone/sidebas.html