Thursday, May 3, 2012


We had a fantastic Fiesta on May 2.  The multipurpose room was decorated beautifully with the help of many parents, guardians, grandparents, friends, and students.  Delicious foods were prepared by our families, and adults were on hand to help with piñatas and clean-up.  It was truly a community event.

The students put on a stellar performance:  songs and poems in Spanish, drumming from third graders and fourth graders, and inspiring (and wacky!) tunes from our grades 4/5 chorus.  I am still singing "Guacamole."  Gracias to all of our students for their hard work!  I am proud of you all!

4/5 Chorus

San Severino -- El Cantante

San Severino -- El Bombero

San Severino -- El Carpintero

4th Grade Drumming


La Tía Mónica

3rd Grade Drumming